Useful Computer Network Commands
1.Network Command: Ping
Ping command is used to check connectivity between your computer and any other network device (with an IP addrerss) in your network.
Eg: Ping
Here you are checking the connectivity between your computer and global DNS server. Check this article to know more about the usage of Ping command to check local network connectivity issues.
2. Network Command : netstat
Netstat is used to check the active TCP/IP connection between your computer and Internet. To know more about it click on
3. Network Command: ipconfig
ipconfig retrieves the IP address, subnet mask and Physical address (Adapter address) of the computer.
4. Network Command: finger
Finger is used to get information about a user in your network.
5. Network Command: NBTSTAT
Network command NBTSTAT is used to display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NetBIOS over TCP/IP . To know more about it clcik on
6.Network Command: Tracert
Tracert is used to find the nodes between your computer and destination node. It means tracert shows the path.
7. Command Route
Route command help you to view and make changes in routing table in stored in your computer.
8. ipconfig /displaydns
This command shows the cached DNS details stored in your computer.
8: ipconfig /flushdns
The command ipconfig /flushdns allow you to flush already saved DNS details in your computer. It help you to fix many DNS issues in your computer.
9: netsh int ip reset c:\tcp.txt
This command reset the TCP suit in your computer.
10: netsh winsock reset
Command netsh winsock reset is used to reset Windows socket in your computer.
11: ARP
Displays and modifies the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
12. Network Command: pathping
Command pathping is a network tracing command.